Monday, September 28, 2009

How technology has affected and is affecting my life..

Technology has affected my life drastically. When I was little, computers weren't even that big of a deal, but as I grew up they are becoming much more important to our everyday lives. I also remember when my parents first went from a car phone to cell phones.. how exciting that was!! ;) Then they upgraded to a flip phone from an open faced phone, then to razors and so on. Thinking back on it now, I realize just how much technology has changed just from when I was little. Another thing that wasn't popular when I was little was texting, now it's everywhere! People are constantly texting nowadays, and almost everyone has a cell phone. Technology is always changing and making things more efficient, easier to use, and better overall. When we first got laptops I was kind of against it because it would be something new to get used to. I didn't like the fact that they were Macs and I was used to Windows, but it wasn't hard at all to get used to the new computers. I actually like them now and dread taking notes by hand. It's so much easier and faster to type than to hand-write things.
Technology changing can also be a not so great thing. New technology means spending more money to update. When new technology comes out, the stores usually stop selling the old things (for ex. VHS/DVD & Blueray) and only sell the new things, leaving people to have to buy a DVD player because VHS tapes aren't sold anymore. The new things could also harm our environment, be made out of resources that we don't have enough of, or could be used for more harm than good. Changing technology also causes some people to rebel because they don't like the idea of changing or conforming to what everyone else is doing. They stick to their old ways just so that they don't have to be like everyone else. This makes them fall behind in the working world because offices usually try to stay up to date with the current technology in order to keep their business thriving. When people don't know how to use computers today, it makes it a hassle for the people who do know how because they have to teach the other people. Most people really understand the new things by trial and error, and if a person doesn't have access to the newest technology then they won't be as familiar with the product as they could be.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent points made.

    "When people don't know how to use computers today, it makes it a hassle for the people who do know how because they have to teach the other people."

    That is a definite hindrance, in fact, a separation between people.
