Tuesday, August 25, 2009

how to be a champion

To become a champion public speaker I need to be more confident and know that I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to. I also need to work on making my speeches valuable to the audience so I'm not wasting their time. I need to help others whenever I can because at one time I relied on other people to help me as well. You never know just how much it means to someone if you help them out or compliment them. I need to appreciate what I have and "live [my] life like a champion." My goal for this week would be to study my government notecards, my goal for this month would be to continue to progress with my dancing and try as hard as I can at every practice, my long-term goal would be to save enough money so I can attend Clarkson College next fall. In order to do these things, I need to push myself and do the things necessary to succeed. I need to make time to get everything done but still keep time for friends. Without friends, I'd get too stressed out and life wouldn't be any fun. I need to set aside time for work and time for play but still realize that accomplishing my goals will make me happier in the long run. My dream is to make a difference in at least one persons life. Whether it be that I help them to recover from something or just being there as a friend for them in a time of need. I want to be the person to help them through a tough time.

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