Monday, November 9, 2009

Oral Interp

So, my oral interp didn't go as well as it could have. I didn't use any hand gestures at all, and my voices were kind of lacking, too. My eye contact wasn't very good either, I relied on the script for too much of it. there wasn't a variation in my characters, so I imagine it was kind of boring to watch. I didn't put myself into the situation, so I didn't really know how to "feel" for each character. I also should have used the emotion of the piece as a whole: gotten louder and softer when it fit the piece.
Overall, I don't think I did as well as I could have. I seem to practice it ok, but when it comes time to present, I lose all my enthusiasm, gestures, and eye contact. I pretty much just stood up front and read a story without emotions. I need to make things bigger and more pronounced so my audience knows my character differences. Even though my voice changes seem big to me, they're not near enough so the audience can easily understand my character changes.
I will do better on my next one!

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